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Carnaby Ζεστό Κερί 400gr

How would you feel about going 4 or even 5 weeks without thinking about waxing at all? Carnaby Cosmetics hot depilation wax offers you this luxury. After the first few applications you will find that waxing is much easier than you had thought. 

Our wax is the most natural method of depilation as it actually contains only 2 ingredients: Pine rosin and natural beeswax.It has been produced by Carnaby for 50 years with unadulterated natural raw materials of high quality which make it stand out.

Μόνο σε επιλεγμένα καταστήματα

How would you feel about going 4 or even 5 weeks without thinking about waxing at all? Carnaby Cosmetics hot depilation wax offers you this luxury. After the first few applications you will find that waxing is much easier than you had thought. 

Το κερί μας είναι η πιο φυσική μέθοδος αποτρίχωσης καθώς ουσιαστικά περιέχει μονάχα 2 συστατικά: Ρητίνη πεύκου (το κοινό ρετσίνι) και φυσικό κερί μέλισσας. Εδώ και 50 χρόνια παράγεται με ανόθευτες φυσικές πρώτες ύλες υψηλής ποιότητάς οι οποίες το κάνουν να ξεχωρίζει.

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